Lithuanian Rural Development Programme 2014–2020 (2022)
Lithuanian Rural Development Programme 2014–2020 (2022)
Financial allocations by priorities (since 20th June, 2023)
Priority | LT RDP 2014-2020 (2022) | |||
Total public support, EUR | out of which: | |||
EAFRD | EURI | |||
P2 | Enhancing farm viability and competitiveness | 1,142,354,361 | 855,737,097 | 76,981,077 |
P3 | Promoting food chain organisation, including processing and marketing of agricultural products, risk management, ... | 186,287,066 | 158,344,066 | |
P4 | Environmental protection | 915,054,654 | 607,514,022 | 51,250,000 |
P5 | Efficient resource management (climate change mitigation) | 117,950,179 | 90,096,292 | |
P6 | Economic and social development and infrastructure | 326,972,232 | 251,820,142 | 11,680,000 |
M20 | Technical assistance | 94,217,801 | 80,085,131 | |
113 | Early retirement (discontinued measure) | 63,732,479 | 54,172,607 | |
Environment-climate investments (Art. 59(6) R 1305/2013) | 33,36 % | |||
LEADER | 5% | |||
EURI (Sustainable investments) | 55 % | |||
EURI (Environment, climate, Leader) | 45% | |||
Total: | 2,846,568,772 | 2,097,769,297 | 139,911,077 |
More information:
Lithuanian Rural Development Programme 2014–2020 (2022) (Lithuanian)
Last updated: 12-12-2023