The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Competences of the Unit | Position | Name surname | Contacts | |
Management | Minister of Agriculture | Kęstutis Navickas | Phone: +370 5 239 1000 Email: [email protected] | |
Coordination of the activities of the Ministry's administrative units, strategic developments within the Minister's area of responsibility, strategic planning and management, finances and budget, public relations, legislation and representation, human resources, law, general affairs (ensuring the optimum management and use of material, intellectual and information resources), corporate governance, public procurement; | Chancellor of the Ministry | Valdas Aleknavičius | Phone: +370 5 239 1035 Email: [email protected] | |
Agricultural economics, finance and budget, financial engineering measures, agricultural insurance, European Union and international affairs, trade and export promotion, market regulation measures, coordination of the activities of special attachés; | Vice Minister | Vytenis Tomkus | Phone: +370 5 239 1002 Email:[email protected] | |
Improvement of landholding structures and reduction of abandoned agricultural land, monitoring of land resources, development of agricultural infrastructure, resources and land reclamation, fisheries, agricultural machinery, agricultural engineering and technical progress, development of norms for agricultural buildings, improvement of energy efficiency in agriculture; | Vice Minister | Donatas Dudutis | Phone: +370 5 239 1007 Email: [email protected] | |
European Union and support policy, organic agriculture, agri-environmental protection, plant fertilization and protection, seed production, phytosanitary, biofuels and biogas development, gasoil, rural development; | Vice Minister | Egidijus Giedraitis | Phone: +370 5 239 1004 Email: [email protected] | |
Agricultural production and food farming, sustainable use of soil, development of cooperation, promotion of entrepreneurship; education, science, training and counselling of agricultural and rural development operators, agricultural knowledge and innovation system; veterinary medicine, animal welfare, breeding of farm animals, preservation of their gene pool and genetic diversity | Vice Minister | Vytautas Abukauskas | Phone: +370 5 239 1005 Email: [email protected] | |
Cabinet of Minister | Development of cooperation in short food chains, reduction of food waste; coordination of the cooperation with the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, other institutions and social-economical partners | Adviser to the Minister | Daivaras Rybakovas | Phone: +370 5 239 1093 Email: [email protected] |
Climate change, ecosystems and environmental measures | Adviser to the Minister | Kristina Simonaitytė | Phone: +370 5 239 1024 Email: [email protected] | |
Prevention of the corruption and management of lobbyist activities impact | Adviser to the Minister | Rokas Petrašiūnas | Phone: +370 5 239 1036 Email: [email protected] | |
Public relations and communication | Adviser to the Minister | Algirdas Igorius | Phone: +370 5 239 1012 Email: [email protected] | |
Ministry advisor | Bioeconomy | Chief advisor to the Ministry | Dalia Miniataitė | Phone: +370 5 239 1094 Email: [email protected] |
EU Affairs and Support Policy Department, Monitoring and Evaluation Division of EU Support Programs | Monitoring and evaluation of Rural Development Programme | Advisor | Tomas Lozoraitis | Phone: +370 5 239 1268 Email: [email protected] |
EU Affairs and Support Policy Department EU Affairs Division | EU agenda regarding agriculture and fisheries, coordination of national positions | Head of Division | Sigita Meškelevičiūtė | Phone: +370 5 239 81365 Email: [email protected] |
EU Affairs and Support Policy Department, Area Payments Division | EU support on area payment scheme | Advisor | Jolanta Ašmonienė | Phone: +370 5 239 1081 Email: [email protected] |
EU Affairs and Support Policy Department, Business Support Division | Management of the investment support measures under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 | Chief specialist | Žilvinas Jasiulevičius | Phone: +370 5 239 1265 Email: [email protected] |
EU Affairs and Support Policy Department, LEADER Program and Rural Development Division | Management of LEADER and support for rural communities, short supply chains, cooperation between small businesses, basic services and rural renewal in rural areas, and assistance and support for national heritage | Chief specialist | Agnė Pancerovaitė | Phone: +370 5 239 1124 Email: [email protected] |
Finance and Budget Department, Budget Division | Planning and consumption of the agricultural budget appropriations | Head of Division | Rūta Pupkaitė-Jurgutienė | Phone: +370 5 239 1070 Email: [email protected] |
Finance and Budget Department, Finance Accounting and Policy Implementation Division | Accounting issues for farmers and other agriculture private entities | Chief specialist | Milda Šemelienė | Phone: +370 5 239 1075 Email: [email protected] |
Finance and Budget Department, National Support Division | Financial instruments (loans, guarantees) from national funds; state aid coordination | Head of Division | Sonata Bartkutė | Phone: +370 5 239 1068 Email: [email protected] |
Strategic Planning Department, Economic Analysis Division | The prohibition of unfair trading practices in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain | Chief specialist | Kristina Šimkutė | Phone: +370 680 44306 Email: [email protected] |
Strategic Planning Department,Science, Innovation and Knowledge Development Division | Funding national and international research and innovation projects, coordination of knowledge dissemination and advisory activities | Head of Division | Vilma Kraujalytė | Phone: +370 5 2391082 Email: [email protected] |
Strategic Planning Department,Strategic Planning Division | Organization of the preparation, approval, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the achieved results of the Strategic Activity Plan. The Annual Activity Plan of the Ministry; Monitoring of the Ministry action plan of the LR Government; Coordination of agricultural risk management measures; Supervision and improvement of the quality management system of the Ministry | Chief specialist Chief specialist | Rasa Irena Palevičienė Rimantė Juodenienė | Phone. tel. 8 680 58793 Email: [email protected] Phone: +370 680 44349 Email: [email protected] |
Strategic Planning Department, Crisis Coordination Division | Development and implementation of agricultural civil protection, emergency and mobilization measures | Advisor | Martynas Navickas | Phone: +370 5 239 1084 Email: [email protected] |
Department of Sustainable Agricultural Production and Food Industry, Crop Production and Green Technologies Division | Crop production and agri-environmental issues | Head of Division | Vidmantas Ašmonas | Phone: +370 5 239 1368 Email: [email protected] |
Department of Sustainable Agricultural Production and Food Industry, Livestock and Animal Welfare Division | Conservation of animal genetic resourses, Cattle breeding, Marking, Apiculture, Compensation of damages caused by wolves | Chief specialist | Gediminas Vagonis | Phone: +370 5 239 1153 Email: [email protected] |
Department of Sustainable Agricultural Production and Food Industry, Food Industry and Cooperation Division | Formulation and harmonization of state policy in accordance with EU requirements in the sectors of beef, pork, poultry, eggs, milk, alcohol products, soft drinks, sugar, bread, confectionery, oils and fats, processed fruit and vegetables, honey, other food and tobacco products; Coordination of safety and quality control of agricultural products and foodstuffs, coordination of control of the use of genetically modified organisms and genetically modified products; Development of co-operation in the fields of agriculture, food, fisheries, and rural development | Advisor | Lilija Tepelienė | Phone: +370 5 239 1163 Email: [email protected] |
Department of Reclamation, Agricultural Land and Infrastructure | Development of agricultural infrastructure, resources and land reclamation, agricultural machinery, agricultural engineering development and technical progress, development of standards for agricultural buildings, increase of energy efficiency in agriculture | Advisor | Violeta Važnevičienė | Phone: +370 5 239 1245 Email: [email protected] |
Department of Reclamation, Agricultural Land and Infrastructure | Information related to land affairs of rural areas | Head of Division | Simonas Valotka | Phone: +370 5 210 0528 Email: [email protected] |
Centralized Internal Audit Division | Information related to internal audit of the Ministry, subsidiary institutions and agencies | Chief specialist | Goda Grebelienė | Phone: +370 5 239 1107 Email: [email protected] |
Document Administration Division | General information on procedures related to written requests and complaints | Chief specialist | Marytė Vitonienė | Phone: +370 5 239 1281 Email: [email protected] |
Corruption Prevention and Internal Investigation Division | Prevention of the corruption | Advisor | Mantas Kubilinskas | Phone: +370 5 239 1099 Email: [email protected] |
Public Relations and Cooperation Division | Communication and public relations | Advisor | Jurga Vaičiūnė | Phone: +370 5 239 1016 Email: [email protected] |
International Affairs and Export Promotion Division | International trade on agricultural and food products, Export promotion activities, International cooperation, Bilateral and multilateral relations and representation, Participation in activities of international organizations, International food exhibitions | Advisor | Aušra Stončienė | Phone: +370 5 239 1224 Email: [email protected] |
Legislation and Legal Representation Division | Law and legislation related to the areas of activity of the Ministry; Representation of the Ministry in courts of all instances; Examination of complaints, requests and notifications related to the administration of EU financial assistance | Advisor | Jolanta Oleškevič | Phone: +370 5 239 1050 Email: [email protected] |
Legal and Personnel Division | Personnel management and internal legislation | Chief Advisor | Linas Lapinskas | Phone: +370 5 239 1033 Email: [email protected] |
Property Management and Public Procurement Division | Information systems related to competences of Ministry and Register issues | Chief specialist | Agnija Vikšnienė | Phone: +370 5 239 1095 Email: [email protected] |
Fisheries Department EU Support for Fisheries Division | EU support measures to Lithuanian fisheries sector | Advisor | Jūratė Masiulienė | Phone: +370 5 239 1184 Email: [email protected] |
Fisheries Department Fisheries Policy Division | EU and national fisheries Policy, market, producer organisations, national regulation and EU law in the field of fisheries | Advisor | Ana Sedenko | Phone: +3705 239 1182 Email: [email protected] |
Special Attachés | EU Common Agricultural Policy | Attaché for agriculture at Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU | Lina Blažinskienė | Phone: +322 401 9811 Email: [email protected] |
Veterinary and Phytosanitary issues | Veterinary and Phytosanitary Attaché at the Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU | Darius Remeika | Phone: +322 401 9810 Email: [email protected] | |
Fisheries policy | Fisheries Attaché at the Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU | Eglė Poviliūnienė | Phone: +322 401 9817 Email: [email protected] | |
Bilateral Lithuanian - USA relations in agriculture and trade | LR Attaché of Agriculture and Commerce at the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Lithuania in Washington, USA | Karolis Anužis | Phone: +1 202 234 5860 Email: [email protected] | |
EU Common Agricultural Policy | Rural Development Attaché at the Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU | Mindaugas Palionis | Phone: +322 401 9804 Email: [email protected] | |
Bilateral Lithuanian - Japanese relations in agriculture and trade | LR Attaché of Agriculture in the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Lithuania in Japan | Kristina Mineikienė | Phone: +81 0 3 340 85091 Email: [email protected] | |
Bilateral Lithuanian - German relations in agriculture and trade | LR Attaché of Agriculture in the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Lithuania in the Federal Republic of Germany | Eivina Žižiūnaitė-Allbaz | Phone: +49 30 890 861 23 Email: [email protected] | |
Bilateral Lithuanian - UAE relations in agriculture and trade | LR Attaché of Agriculture and Commerce at the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Lithuania in United Arab Emirates | Šarūnė Šablevičienė | Phone: +971 2 309 0447 Email: [email protected] | |
Bilateral Lithuanian - UK relations in agriculture and trade | LR Attaché of Agriculture at the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Lithuania in London, UK | Greta Karaliūtė | Phone: +44 755 198 9527 Email: [email protected] |
Last updated: 12-12-2023